THIS time around….

I tore the ClapperStorm (Thunder + FireStorm = ClapperStorm?) all the way down to its ill-machined bones.

Lets pause and find it a name:

  • The Bersa Firestorm
  • The California Thunder
  • The CA-Blunder
  • The Thunder-Clapper
  • The Clapper-Storm
  • The Thunder-Fail
  • The Thunder-Blunder
  • The Fire-Clapper
  • …..

I mean, the thing is so ugly… that AFAICT it didn’t even earn a 15min update to the manual! You can’t even download documentation that references it !!?!$@@&. Nothing makes a man feel more confident…. Than tearing down a complex and fussy assembly… that sets off explosives in your hand… Based on the blow up diagram of a different model!


So with the Hammer Pin seat “adjusted”, I can finally get this thing apart to pressure-wash the booLit-goop and mud-dust out of it.

I Don’t own all the correct tools yet, so I just go after it like a savage. I don’t have gunsmith screwdrivers, sets of cool rods, stiff little brushes, or any of that crap. I have what I have and try what I have to.

I know… That this time around… I can eliminate almost all of the variables associated with oiling, cleaning, etc. In the video below I am caught using a 15-year-old bottle of bore cleaner and half of a patch to absolutely scour the inside of the firing pin chamber.

I of course get it stuck in there. Compacted into a tightwad. When you make that mistake it’s harder to remove than you might think. It begs to get scratched up, deformed, gouged….

Anyway… I’m just sitting here trying to figure out what changed in my WordPress install. Lots of new features, but I don’t think I really like the blocks format

… Next up is reassembly and testing


SOLVED! Now a Perfect Fit

In this video I use a round file to *slightly* open the undersized orifice to allow the hammer pin to be removed as OEM intended.

As shipped… There was so much friction at the shelf that HAMMERING on it would not dissociate the parts. After rubbing it with the file just a tiny bit…. It’s a perfect “tap fit”

It’s not a slip fit, you do have to hit it with a hammer… So if there was an intention to have the pin not slop side to side, that was still be the case. I removed tiny amount of material.

NOW… We can get on to a full-scrub detail


Second Strike on YouTube, I am over it

This is the video that Youtube flagged, then gave me a Strike for.  I was muzzled and locked out for 2 weeks.  I cant post videos or text. I cant explain myself to audience or anyone who is actually listening.  3 strikes and you lose your account (fuckers)

What I was doing was: Repair/Restoration/Maintenance/Learning/Teaching
What I got flagged for was: basically MANUFACTURING

The reader can follow the link below and carefully read up on the rules.  They are aimed at full auto conversions, silencers, ultra-size mags, 3D printing ghost guns, modifying lowers, live streaming the aiming of loaded weapons, etc.  They also have some trip wires around profanity while monetizing (I am not monetizing).

In the video I am trying to make the Bersa Firestorm 380 (California Edition of the Thunder, a baby popgun) “Serviceable”.  Very long story short, that pin holds in the hammer and various clap-trap in the ass of the pistol.  The pin WONT COME OUT !$%!%^%! and the weapon is inherently UNRELIABLE when dirty (like WONT SHOOT)… so the only option is to make it SERVICABE so that I can ….  Clean it…  and make it work.

I was using a hammer and punches
I was using an ice cube and heat gun
I was using poor form hammering the frame like that
I was using profanity (required)

This is as plain Jane as it gets for anyone who services their own weapons. This thing I am working on is a pea shooter, not a highly modified AR15 ghost gun.  Youtube either has bad AI, bad overseas labelers, bad response to a user flag, or otherwise…  BAD!  Like hell am I going to get into a text message back and forth with someone overseas who types English as a third language (or worse yet a BOT…) trying to explain the nuance.

Grrrrrrr………….  Fuck Youtube


Muzzled on YouTube Again

Second Strike so I pulled down all my content to protect the seasoned account. On third strike they can terminate (lol)

Depending on which lawyer reads it… Well, I was not “manufacturing”. I was restoring, repairing, inspecting, learning, teaching.

so TL;DR, YouTube can go silo-fuck themselves in an infinite loop. I am going to move back to one of the other platforms.

Rational: they muzzled me for 2 weeks based on what could have been a bad AI flag, bad community flag, bad overseas labeler flag, etc.

k bye


Schindler Engineering Adventures in… Cave Exploration

You might not guess there is a cave back there. . . but there is.
The rocks are Erosion Control.

Super Sketch

The Ice Plant has grown since the last time I was here.

There are plenty of caves like this – hundreds – but many of them get packed in with sand. This particular cave goes much farther back and has a concrete casing with a steel door. It is NOT a drainage channel… it is a Door. Any time you find a door in the middle of a $20k Concrete pour…

You know you are on to something*

Tropical Paradise?
Living the dream?

… More like constant drips

The picture does it no justice, but that hole was quite pronounced. The Ocean wipes this whiteboard clean often enough.

Who does not want to explore THAT!

… Ok… ok
I can see that you may want a little better lighting. The one above creates the most mystery, but…

That shot there, less glamor and more detail.

If you need any used condoms, fast food wrappers, or empty beer cans then we can kill two birds with one stone.

Dudes is like “Nah”

But that is just because he saw the creepy-ass door.

“Lets get outa here!”

(I have a video that shows the door – post it later)

Onward with the adventure!
Heading North at a medium tide

We appreciate feedback from the customers. This jerk clearly does not know what a good time is.

  • Fly covered piles of Animal Shit
  • Heaps of reeking seaweed
  • Nasty-ass caves…

I am not sure what the problem is. Perhaps he can fill out a paper survey.

Back up top

He is grimacing more from the fly-covered piles of dog shit and stinking heaps of seaweed than the sketch cave. Oddly enough… kids fear dogshit more than water filled sea caves.

Head over there. . .

We Crab-walk, back to the rock.
Been doing this a long time

Check out some tide pools
Check out the chick swimming with no wetsuit
Check out some more tide pools

This other cave is sanded in

Boat Version of diarrhea
Back on topic

Pressure washed the shit out of all the boat parts, inside and out.
Now really back on topic

No topic
I am on Vacation


190 SE Dimensions

Length: 20′
Beam: 7′ 11″

Year: 89-93
HP: 235 – 290, 260 (disputed and highly dependent on Carb, Injection, year, etc)

HO HP: 285 HP @ 4400 RPM.

Identifying HO version (the one I have, I believe – both have the 4bbl Holly)

  • Head GT40 vs E7
  • Different CAM

Ok – so I can look for GT40 head

Not my pics*

Porting Ford E7TE part 1

Ah – Casting stamp

Differences Between GT40 & GT40P Heads - | Gt40, Headed, Mechanic

Ok – will do

Folks are saying we should prop it at 4800RPM, note to self to check that.*

Burning time…

“The HO heads are factory Ford cast iron GT40 heads, which came on a few vehicles like the ’93 Mustang Cobra and ’93-95 Lightning.”

Exhaust Style
Prop or Hull
This one dumps out the Prop IIRC – 90% sure on that. Water to Water cooler runs thru the headers, gas exits … thru the prop I am pretty sure. Will check.

That should be a Dog Clutch Style
(you have to know all this trivia*)

“Standard 351 is around 260 hp give or take. 351 HO is around 285–290 hp. PCM GT40 is 310.”
“Standard 351W + GT40 EFI + GT40 ignition + GT40 heads + GT40 cam + GT40 lifters = GT40 zero power lost”
“Nope. All Ford Windsor marine engines were flat tappet, to the very end.”

For Engine Rebuild Kits. Looks like they are somewhere in the $300 to $550 range, but those come with pistons etc.



Schindler Engineering Adventures

Want to know what is in there?

That is what you should be thinking, because it is some kind of bird death pit. Smaller birds can fly out, but larger birds get caught.

I figured that out. . . once I was in there.

It wasn’t that hard to climb. On my first attempt I bailed as I thought large chunks of the concrete were going to break free – but – they didn’t.

That is your way in, and… out. I step very close to the edges/wall to minimize lever arm on the rusty old rungs. The top rung was already broken off and I had to lower down on trust that the others would hold.

Strange motor with a very long shaft. You can see the windings and laminations.

At first I counted only the motor shaft, 2 dead birds, a kids frisbee, random liquor bottles and trash…

What IS that motor and who dropped it in here? Thing looks damn heavy – but – anyway….

How many dead birds can YOU count in this picture?

I thought it as only TWO – but… those were just the birds with feathers. Then I started seeing the skulls.

Large eye socket, beak.

Lots of big rusty things. Eh – pretty grody, but not by any means the nastiest pit I have ben in.

Eh – your usual detritus. Human Art, or… the art of Urban Decay.

Getting in is easier than getting out. Always remember that.

Once you are standing up here. . . .

You may get the willies.

I… do not climb down in the same way I climb up. People say that – eh – I dont think they climb much urband decay. Anyhow – I could jump that if I had to.

  • Get Low
  • Hang
  • Drag as you drop

That is how you survive a 10′ drop and run afterward. Your mileage may vary.

In other news… if you are transporting cold water creatures, you keep them cold.

I do layers.

  • Blue Ice
  • Large containers
  • Blue Ice
  • Small containers
  • Blue Ice….

Water has a huge thermal load – this will hardly keep it at sea temperature.

Of course you check the temperature every so often, oxygenate the contents.

It… Was a fairly regular Schindler Engineering Adventure

I had my Wetsuit

Did not have occasion to use it

Well – had occasion, but my partners were not into it. Just like they were not into the death-box I explored.

Thats cool
I understand

Everybody has their thing they like to do out in the bush.

I like clambering. Tyler does as well – so – we did a fair bit of that

For shit perspective on a lot of these shots. I had a great set of shots on a very large rusty chain but they just do not render well. Whatever.

How about that for a clamber!
He is no armature at this point.

Takes years to work up to stuff like this. The rock has excellent friction, but you still need to know about 42 things at the limbic level. Knowing your failure modes is the first step.

I did not encourage that in any way, that was his idea. He had to cross the water to do it. Boy does nothing that he is not wanting to do. Cant get him into a wetsuit with a crowbar this summer.

No injuries on this trip. Minor injuries are important for maintaining your Absolute Perspective. Eh – on the next trip I will take us someplace with a <3′ fall and have us fail a few times. Just… so that he remembers.

He has fallen plenty
Face Planted off of a play structure at School.

You gotta know how to fall.
Not land – Fall

While falling you can slow yourself down, rotate your position, prepare for impact. Falling happens in slow motion, landing happens in fast forward. Best to practice over the water on slippery rocks. Lots of falls, lots of landings.


Schindler Engineering Adventures in. . . Rock Hopping

The big plan was to drive out to Castle Rock

That is kind of a long drive and it gets busy during Summer Weekends.

We went elsewhere.

I could tell you how to get there. . .

But what fun would that be?

When you first pop out of the tunnel you are here. Yea – lots of lime stone around here but you can see this one was man made (so tunnel not cave*)

You got to truck 2 miles thru this crevasse (or not) until you find the ladder below.

Start climbing that. . .

See that Structure up there? Gotta get there for starters.

Look veeery carefully for “Bum Forts” along the way. Center above.

Find this one, go inside. It is newer work*

Drop out thru the chute at the rear right. There are holds, but they are not well cupped. You have to have climbers hands.

You will see a lot of this (above – I almost always reference the above). You can wipe your butt with that. I wouldn’t, but you can.

Over the hill and thru the trees. . . to grandmothers house we go. … Speaking of grandmother, tried to visit her and first the hospital said “no kids” (dumped the kid) then they said “already been 2 visitors today”. Just to check them, I asked the names. Recognized them – so – they are probably not making green wafers out of my mom (yet).

Cross that log. . .

Find more of those – identical Indian Cliff Pueblos (carved by WhiteMan).

Here we go – start looking for these. We have gone over many times the tricks used to identify man-made objects in nature. Typically – 90 degree angles, perpendicular mounds, things like this. The Santa Cruz mountains have thousands of miniature dams, they can be found all up and down the rivers and they were used primarily for transporting lumber.

They gutted these valleys starting around the 1850’s – so lots of “old work”. That there, normally I would assume it was part of a dam-rig, but … here… something different.

You will find some relatively new work. Clearly a well pickup, and explains a few other structures found around the area. People need to get water up and out of the creek (pronounced Krik).

You can see the lines go up and away. There are two due to the type of pump they are using. IIRC thats a Jet Pump.

  • You can have the pump at the bottom (not working well for Creek)
  • You can have the pump at the top and one line down with a foot valve
  • You can have the pump at the top with two lines down (still need a pump valve

IIRC a jet pump works by flinging some portion of the water down, and on the way up it creates a draw… so more comes to the top than goes down. You use different pipe configurations for different pump heads and depths. The best I have dealt with (for a well) is just dropping a 2hp pump in the hole – no priming necessary but… I have plenty of experience with top mount pumps configured in Jet or Single.

You can read or watch about it.

Lots of big trees. Even second growth is 170 years old now. You dont want to know how big the Old Growth was. . .

Prego’s hopping the rocks.

She was looking for lunch after we found the above.

Said she would boil us up some CrawDad in this fort if we caught 8 of them.

So we went look’in

Up river

Or was it down river?

People get lost out here all the time. They think it is like one of those “contained park” deals. . . where every trail leads you back to the parking lot (L O L). Friend of a friend is a cop, says they get calls all the time of people getting lost, sleeping out in the woods, freaking out – lol.

I have never been lost in the woods of Santa Cruz County. It is not a large enough area. If you climb to the top of anything. . . or follow any creek down long enough… you are gonna see the ocean.

You might have to walk 28 miles. . . but you will see the ocean.

Nice bum fort!
Tyler was into it. Looks to me like the roof is going to leak, but whatever. Its summer.

New Growth
You know you are in the native environment when you actually see new growth. People plant trees in the weirdest places. These things drink hundreds of gallons of water out of the air a day. Why would you plant them in San Jose?

Prego and the Dare Devil back at the opening. . .

Good throw-you-off perspective shot. Nobody expects trees to be growing out of an elevated and horizontal tree.

You find fossils up there, of course. All of this was deep under the sea.

Stuff like that everywhere in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Indian stuff as well. . .

Anyway, there are the crawdad. Center above. Orange body, white markings on the pinchers. Tail about as long as the body.

Picture does not show it but those were big’uns. You really only eat the tail and these had plenty of tail. They congregate – one spot had 4 together. Nowhere for them to hide (when they are that big) so you can just go tire them out and snatch them.

We did not of course. .. but you can. In many creeks around here that run year long.

Gotta Eat. . .
