Schindler Engineering Adventures

We have seen a few of these along the coast North of Santa Cruz. They could not be for anchoring boats, maybe… for fishing of some sort?

Very heavy
Very large
Pretty old

Don’t know, but my neighbor told me that the rusty old steel out on Blacks point was a horizontal bar. Used to have a lot of birds sitting on it. He cleared up the original naming of the location for me as well.

Anyway – these things are real heavy duty. Not like… the box steel you might see for a sign post.

Somebody took the time to set that.

Maybe it used to be up on the cliff??????????????????????? That would start to make more sense, but the other one … eh… I … think… eh.. I dont think that one fell away.

The cliffs around here have come back 20, 30, 40, 50 feet over the last few decades. Believe it. Same all up and down the coast. SF (Battery Davis) is one of the best examples. Straight Planet of the Apes.

I have been growing some similar Coraline algae in the Cold Tank. Takes a long time. Above is a -1.7 tide.

Sea caves. . . a wonder for young and old alike.

That was not the shot – but – worth finding.

There is some good perspective. YES I put my shoes in shots like these for scale. Look down.

See above?
That is the kind of place you take kids when you are doing your best.

See below?

Dog Friendly Settings
Not my pic

Thats where you take your kids if you suck.

The play ground, the dog park… these places suck. Almost as bad as Video Games, TV, and Facebook.

See that above?

  • Not the dog park
  • Not some (not)scout meeting
  • Not to McDonalds

Take your kid on a R E A L scouting adventure where you actually scout. I was a scout, don’t tell me that this washed out stuff I see now is scouting.

That is what Scouting looks like.

Getting in there and participating in the N A T U R A L environment.

  • Not at the zoo
  • Not at the museum
  • Not at the “center”

At the fucking source. Below the median tide line, early in the morning.

See, I taught my boy how to hop and climb and clamber real young. Just an hour ago he was outpacing me on the jetty rocks. This is his limbic system coming online. Knowing (without being told) what the definition of “safe” is.

If …
You have to tell your 10yo what is “safe” … then you fucked up a long time ago.

Of course, if it is sketch, I always scout it out first. IIRC this is from the top of the rock you have to get over to get to the beach that leads to the cave that leads to the pool that leads to…

I was clearly ANYTHING but the first one there today – LOL. It was a super low tide and we were an hour and a half late. Folks were all over it.


I am glad others got to experience what it is like to walk up on something like this. . . when there are no footprints… and the tide is coming in. It may have been a bit too easy for them tho. It is better when you have to climb in to get to a spot that is water locked.

Light at the end of the tunnel there. Radical sea cave. We traverse stuff like this all the time.

Like I said: Scouting

Going to the beach is about exploring Sea Caves dude. Not about setting up 42lbs of easy-up crap to sit there. Why the fuck would you sit on a beach? Have you EVER seen Schindler “sit” at the beach?

  • You thrash at the beach
  • You explore at the beach
  • You swim at the beach
  • You look at nearly nude girls at the beach. . .

But… You do not carry half of your crap down there, set up a fort, and then do nothing. That is just lame. If you can not carry it on your back then you are doing it wrong.

Eh hem

And… The best beach adventures can only be accessed via water*

Go ahead
Take your shoes off
The sand will not hurt you

Maybe go to the woods after that. A few miles north.

We went on 3 separate adventures today, not including the regular adventure which is my back yard.

There is a nice little bog above. Go check that out!

I have seen each and every one of those creatures in the wild. Both Kim and I have seen Mountain Lions on separate occasions. Even that giant Salamander, found one of those a few miles further north.

Adventures dude.
Take your kid on one. Take your kid on 42 of them. Take your kid on 420 of them. . .

That is how you bring up a kid in Santa Cruz. They need little guidance because they already know. We learned it first hand, all the things they dont teach you in school.

Hmmm… Pictures compressed out of order. That is irritating. Oh well, I just open them up one at a time, in whatever order, and start sticking the pictures I like over here.

Tide Pools like this all over.

Weird jizz creeping out of the rocks

And on to Backyard Adventures.
We were unable to light a candle with any of those magnifying glasses, but I was able to shoot wax with the Air Compressor, we did get rockets stuck in the Redwood Tree, and we did go out scouting Bum Clues from the harbor to the tracks.

  • Anodes on Crab Traps
  • Rework on the Dredge Lines
  • Jumping fences and hopping blocks
  • Bum Clues on the RR tracks (what to look out for)

We… Collected Sea Grass and there was a Hitch Hiker Vegetarian Crab missing half his legs. He will grow them back.

And… of course… the best pic of all. Papa over here is smart. I know where to check the pulse of the local fishery. That right there… BIG FISH.

I of course did not catch that, but rather fished it out of the trash. If you want to get a feel for what folks are pulling in, you go to one of the 6 fish cleaning stations and look in the barrel.


Like 20 of those in there. We can CATCH THOSE if you want to. You better be fucking ready. That fish will pull your ass right out of the boat, so… you better listen to the Captian.
