Schindler Engineering Adventures in… Cave Exploration

You might not guess there is a cave back there. . . but there is.
The rocks are Erosion Control.

Super Sketch

The Ice Plant has grown since the last time I was here.

There are plenty of caves like this – hundreds – but many of them get packed in with sand. This particular cave goes much farther back and has a concrete casing with a steel door. It is NOT a drainage channel… it is a Door. Any time you find a door in the middle of a $20k Concrete pour…

You know you are on to something*

Tropical Paradise?
Living the dream?

… More like constant drips

The picture does it no justice, but that hole was quite pronounced. The Ocean wipes this whiteboard clean often enough.

Who does not want to explore THAT!

… Ok… ok
I can see that you may want a little better lighting. The one above creates the most mystery, but…

That shot there, less glamor and more detail.

If you need any used condoms, fast food wrappers, or empty beer cans then we can kill two birds with one stone.

Dudes is like “Nah”

But that is just because he saw the creepy-ass door.

“Lets get outa here!”

(I have a video that shows the door – post it later)

Onward with the adventure!
Heading North at a medium tide

We appreciate feedback from the customers. This jerk clearly does not know what a good time is.

  • Fly covered piles of Animal Shit
  • Heaps of reeking seaweed
  • Nasty-ass caves…

I am not sure what the problem is. Perhaps he can fill out a paper survey.

Back up top

He is grimacing more from the fly-covered piles of dog shit and stinking heaps of seaweed than the sketch cave. Oddly enough… kids fear dogshit more than water filled sea caves.

Head over there. . .

We Crab-walk, back to the rock.
Been doing this a long time

Check out some tide pools
Check out the chick swimming with no wetsuit
Check out some more tide pools

This other cave is sanded in

Boat Version of diarrhea
Back on topic

Pressure washed the shit out of all the boat parts, inside and out.
Now really back on topic

No topic
I am on Vacation
