SOLVED! (fires reliably)

I went so far as to rent a “known good” same model from the range. Turns out Murphy’s law works!

  • Since I actually spent the money to rent a known good….
  • mind fired reliably!

I sent a box down range (end of target sled) and had only a single misfire out of 50 rounds. I think that one could be written up to limp wrist because it went on the second pull.

This is what my brass looks like now…. And that’s what we were looking for!

  • Blazer


So take a wild guess at what brand I’m going to purchase, lol. I am going to give away the 1,100 primers I have and pick up a brick of something that might work better with this weapon.

Man… It feels good to be a Gangster!

-Schindler (wins again)