On this drive I pull no punches while describing the pivotal difference between good engineering and poor engineering.
I describe the difference between Accuracy and Precision…. and I show that Precision is a Requirement (required precursor) of Accuracy.
I relate key words like RELIABILITY to key words like PRECISION and explain again why (anything) in the absence of Reliability is of low value.
We talk about the importance of employing the scientific method, and I come to some unwavering conclusions that I can exhaustively argue (to a Logical and Reasonable end…. ) In the run-on-sentence style of Debate.
I don’t have to commit any logical fallacies or come to any incorrect conclusions to win the argument, win the debate, etc. I am closer to “self evident proof” than “exhaustive argument” – …..
You will likely find that anyone who wants to argue the contrary, will have to employ many logical fallacies, including exhaustive argument (lol)
I try not to argue until I know I’m right. Usually I don’t have to.