Identify the broken casting – 390 XP

Before we go hands on, lets familiarize with the exploded diagrams

From our video, we see a broken bit of head casting on the Port side of the machine

Page 21 gives us x-ray vision

That is definitely the “head” of the engine. We can tell that it is Air Cooled by the presence of heat sinks. We can see the spark plug port coming out of the top (single cylinder 2-stroke) and the carburetor feeding in at the stern, top.

We see the flywheel middle bottom with some air moving paddles.

Now is the time to pick off details… like the fact that the engine rotates CW

  • CW = Clockwise
  • CCW = Counter Clockwise
  • CCW = Carrying Concealed Weapon

The unit uses a centrifugal clutch which is very common on Two Stroke engines like this. The man who can teach you the most about carbs and small engines is Musty1. Go check him out on Youtube for a lifelong education

Search his playlists for something that is a close match

See how easy that is?

Oh the irony… Here Musty is trying to de-bugger a Husq. Slightly different model but many principals will apply.

The Chainsaw of choice is STIHL

Schindlers current chainsaw playlist (empty at time of writing…)

As I was saying… STIHL
Anywhere you go, if someone can afford it, that is the Chainsaw you want to own


Here at SE, we like to punish ourselves by working on inferior equipment. ONWARD

So it looks like that is the part we need to get off the engine. Easy enough… right?

We will find out together
I USUALLY post my work public and I ALWAYS take it down after some period of time. I have solved a thousand things and I will solve a thousand more. Every decade or so I set all of my material to PUBLIC

But… this year Youtube decided that I am “Manufacturing Weapons” because I was “Repairing” a piece of shit Bersa California Edition… so moving forward… we wont be sharing source as much.

Thanks Youtube
You have done great letting the kids drive the agenda. Lets see how they crash the ship this time around!
