Second Strike on YouTube, I am over it

This is the video that Youtube flagged, then gave me a Strike for.  I was muzzled and locked out for 2 weeks.  I cant post videos or text. I cant explain myself to audience or anyone who is actually listening.  3 strikes and you lose your account (fuckers)

What I was doing was: Repair/Restoration/Maintenance/Learning/Teaching
What I got flagged for was: basically MANUFACTURING

The reader can follow the link below and carefully read up on the rules.  They are aimed at full auto conversions, silencers, ultra-size mags, 3D printing ghost guns, modifying lowers, live streaming the aiming of loaded weapons, etc.  They also have some trip wires around profanity while monetizing (I am not monetizing).

In the video I am trying to make the Bersa Firestorm 380 (California Edition of the Thunder, a baby popgun) “Serviceable”.  Very long story short, that pin holds in the hammer and various clap-trap in the ass of the pistol.  The pin WONT COME OUT !$%!%^%! and the weapon is inherently UNRELIABLE when dirty (like WONT SHOOT)… so the only option is to make it SERVICABE so that I can ….  Clean it…  and make it work.

I was using a hammer and punches
I was using an ice cube and heat gun
I was using poor form hammering the frame like that
I was using profanity (required)

This is as plain Jane as it gets for anyone who services their own weapons. This thing I am working on is a pea shooter, not a highly modified AR15 ghost gun.  Youtube either has bad AI, bad overseas labelers, bad response to a user flag, or otherwise…  BAD!  Like hell am I going to get into a text message back and forth with someone overseas who types English as a third language (or worse yet a BOT…) trying to explain the nuance.

Grrrrrrr………….  Fuck Youtube
